Chromecast – Airplay for Android and iPhone

Google's answer to Airplay is here in the form of a small HDMI gadget called the Chromecast. The Chrome brand has become synonymous with Google, making it a fitting name for their next project. Now you'll have the convenience of Airplay for Android and most other devices for easy video streaming.

Best Windows Phones Apps: 8 Free Apps for Windows Phones

Windows Phones are slowly beginning to become contenders to Apple's iPhone and other smartphones. However, their number one problem is the limited selection of good apps. I have handpicked some of the best apps for Windows phones, that work well for me. The following apps are free, but some allow for upgrades to unlock more features, or to remove ads. There are more and more apps being created for this platform every day. Remember when the Android App Store was devoid of apps, and now it's surpassed 800,000 apps. The same will surely be true for Windows Phones as well.

How to get Snapchat Effects/Filters on PC and Mac

In a new move Snapchat now allows everyone to use their famous effects and filters on your home PC or Mac. This is done by the use of their new Snap Camera which is a standalone application. This app will…

Best Number Place Generator

Best Number Place Generator

Best Number Place Generator: Number Place is one of my favorite games. You have a list of horizontal and vertical numbers that need to placed into a grid. The numbers must remain in the exact order that they are shown…

Free Sudoku Puzzle Generator

Free Sudoku Puzzle Generator

Sudoku is one of the best-selling books on Amazon KDP. There are a variety of different types of Sudoku to choose from, so there’s no end to the number of books you can create. You can also adjust the difficulty…