Missinglettr Review: Automate Your Social Media Marketing

Missinglettr Review Automate Your Social Media Marketing

Missinglettr Review: Automate Your Social Media Marketing – In the past, businesses could get by without a social media presence. Today, that is no longer the case. In order to remain competitive, businesses must have a social media marketing strategy. Social media allows businesses to reach customers in a way that traditional advertising cannot. It also allows customers to interact with businesses in a way that was not possible before. However, not all us have the time to spend hours each week – sharing our articles and posting fresh content.

Missinglettr was created for this very purpose. Missinglettr is online software that automates your social media posts with very little input from yourself. You setup your campaigns – through a very short process – and Missinglettr will post fresh content to your social media throughout the year.

Missinglettr Features

Missinglettr is made up of Drip Campaigns, Curate, Schedule and Analytics.

Drip Campaigns

MissingLettr Drip Campaign
Missinglettr Drip Campaign

If you add your RSS feed to Missinglettr, your latest posts will be automatically pulled in and draft campaigns will be created for all of them. You simply need to review them and hit submit when you’re happy with them.

To review a drip campaign, you simply need to confirm Hashtags, Media and Quotes. Missinglettr is sophisticated enough to actually populate all of these fields for you automatically. You simply need to click on each tab and see if you like the suggestions that it has provided. If you don’t like the hashtags it has chosen, then simply remove those and add your own.

Missinglettr will pull all the images from your article, so you can choose if you’d like to use them all in your campaign, or just certain one’s. You can also add additional images to your campaign. If you don’t have/want any images in your campaign – the software can simply create images from your text – these images are called Quote Bubbles and Postcard Links. Missinglettr is also integrated with UnSplash and Giphy, to quickly add extra images to your campaign.

Finally, there’s the quotes tab. Missinglettr will take snippets of your text – that it thinks will work well for social media – and list them for you to review. Simply delete the one’s you don’t like and you’re ready to submit your campaign.

You can setup your campaigns to run for as long as you like. I like to setup 6 or 12 month campaigns – meaning that Missinglettr will automatically schedule posts in my social media, throughout the year, in available slots.

It takes me about anything from 2 to 4 minutes to setup a single drip campaign, and then I can forget about it for the next 12 months.

Missinglettr has a Free Forever tier that you can sign up for here.


Missinglettr Curate
Missinglettr Curate

Curate is feature that is only available in the Pro version of Missinglettr, but it is a very powerful tool that I cannot live without. Curate allows me to share 10 posts every month to Missinglettr. These posts will be then be shared by other marketers from all over the world.

Basically, marketers who don’t have a lot of content for their social media are able to pull articles from Missinglettr and post them to their own channels. So every article I add to Curate could be shared hundreds or even thousands of times by other people around the world. You can also restrict your content to only be shared in certain countries – if you prefer.


Missinglettr Schedule
Missinglettr Schedule

The schedule section is a calendar where you can schedule posts to be added to your social media sites at a later date. If you’re making good use of your Drip Campaigns, then your calendar will look pretty busy. You can edit or reschedule any of your posts in this calendar. If, for some reason, one of your posts was unable to be posted, then you can schedule a new slot for it.


Missinglettr Analytics
Missinglettr Analytics

Missinglettr also has very in-depth analytics so you can keep track of how much reach you’re receiving. It’ll tell you how many clicks you’ve received, which platforms they come from, which countries they originated from, and what time of the day gets you the most attention.


There are LOTS of settings to mess with and tweak to change your schedule templates, your content templates, the URL shortener, etc. Let’s just say that everything can be configured just the way you like it. Once you’ve set everything up the way you like it, you’ll never have to spend much time on social media posts ever again. After a quick setup, you’ll be ready to automate your social media marketing indefinitely.

Missinglettr Review: Automate Your Social Media Marketing

If you haven’t figured it out yes, Missinglettr is an incredibly powerful tool for social media automation – and time-saving. The team behind it have covered all their bases to provide an unbeatable service. It’s like having your own personal assistant taking care of all the work you just don’t have time.

I use a lot of different tools and software on a daily basis, but I would not be able to manage without Missinglettr there ot pick up the slack and allow me to take some time off for myself.

They have a Free Forever option too, so you can use it for yourself and see just how life-changing it really is.


  • sherwinc

    Hey there! I’ve been blogging for over ten years now and have had the pleasure of writing for several websites. I’ve also sold thousands of books and run a successful digital sales business. Writing’s my passion, and I love connecting with readers through stories that resonate. Looking forward to sharing more with you!

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