Best Web Hosting Lifetime Deal

Best Web Hosting Lifetime Deal: You’ve been looking for a reliable and cost-effective web hosting solution, and you’ve come across some lifetime deals that sound too good to be true. They’re affordable and offer you access to unlimited storage and bandwidth. The thing is, you’re still not sure if the deals are as good as they claim to be. You’ve heard a lot of horror stories about scams and deceptive offers, and you don’t want to risk your money.

If this you, then this article will break down what unlimited hosting is, and if it’s worthwhile. And we’ll also show you where to find amazing lifetime hosting companies.

Unlimited Web Hosting?

I’m sure you’ve heard a lot of horror stories about unlimited lifetime hosting. If you haven’t, you should definitely do a little research. There are tons of companies that offer unlimited hosting, only to close down a couple years later. It’s become a scammy business practice for companies to buy reseller hosting and then overload it with accounts until it cannot run any longer. They then dissolve the business and restart under a new name.

The most common scam is to buy a cheap reseller hosting and proceed to add as many accounts to it as possible. This will eventually negatively effect the load times of everyone’s websites that are hosted with this particular company.

Tons of unlimited web hosting companies have existed over the years, and have closed down. There will be many more that will open and eventually close down after a few years – as this business practice is very profitable but unsustainable.

Best Web Hosting Lifetime Deal

Now there are a few companies that sell legitimate lifetime hosting. It’s important to note that these will normally NOT BE unlimited. By this I mean that you will have a limit on the number of resources that are available to you. This is normally more than enough for you to run your business, but they are in place to prevent you from abusing their service. Companies that do this are much more likely to remain in business and continue hosting your website/s.

The best option I’ve found is a newer company called MakersHost. (Sold Out)

If you’re interested in finding out about more lifetime hosting option, you can head over here to find out more.

I spent years trying out various companies for my websites and racked up huge bills for hosting. If you’re in this business for the long run, you can reduce your overhead costs immensely by investing in lifetime hosting, and use those yearly savings towards other projects.


  • sherwinc

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