3 Free Math Worksheet Generators: If you’ve ever tried to create math worksheets at home, you’ll know that there are lots of generators available online, but very few are any good. Most are from older outdated websites, while others aren’t designed to be printed out on standard sized paper. It’s something that seems so simple, and yet is difficult to find. That’s why we’ve put together a list of our favorite free math worksheet generators. These generators are easy to use and just get the job done.
At number 1, we have the algebra problem maker from Demmelearning. It splits all of its algebra puzzles into lessons, so you can create content and organize it for different students. The worksheets also don’t come with any distracting watermarks or company names posted on them.
In the display options, you can adjust the font size, number of problems, as well as various other options to make your worksheets look exactly the way you want them to. This is a fantastic resource for math puzzles.

Art By Logic
Another one of my favorite math problem generators is the one by Art By Logic. It doesn’t have as many options as the option above, but it’s a clean and simple to use problem generator. If you’re looking for something that quick and easy to use, then you can’t go wrong with this option.
You can create problems with or without answers. This means that if you want to have answers for yourself, you’ll need to create it with answers included and then manually delete them before handing them to your students.
This can easily be done with most PDF editing tools.

Januschung Python Script
The Januschung Python Script is a little more complicated to setup but it can create some great mathematic problems (with answers included).
It helps if you already know how to use Python, but if not, simply follow the instructions on the software’s GitHub page. It details exactly what to type to run this tool on your computer.

Best Paid Math Worksheet Generator
I like to always include an alternative when it comes to recommending software. Personally, I use a paid software that creates both math worksheets as well as puzzles and logic games for adults and kids. It’s an all-in-one tool that gives me the freedom to arrange problems exactly as I want them on a page, and gives me full commercial rights for everything I create.
These mathematics puzzles can be used for both classrooms, as well as for creating books for KDP. We use this same math worksheet generator for creating KDP puzzle books, as well as formatting them to fit perfectly on any page size. The editing features allow you change font sizes, and move images and text around in bulk.
You can find out more about this software here.