Category Gaming

How to Make Money With Your Nintendo Switch

How to Make Money With Your Nintendo Switch

The Nintendo Switch has been a huge success since it’s release. Nintendo is known for their quality of games and they have a ton of amazing exclusives that continue to draw in new customers. And you can earn an income…

How to Make Money With Your PS5

How to Make Money With Your PS5

Video games can be used for fun and for profit. Mark Twain said ‘Find a job you enjoy doing, and you will never have to work a day in your life.’ And for avid gamers, this can be a reality. It’s not going to be easy, but…

Free Sudoku Puzzle Generator

Free Sudoku Puzzle Generator

Sudoku is one of the best-selling books on Amazon KDP. There are a variety of different types of Sudoku to choose from, so there’s no end to the number of books you can create. You can also adjust the difficulty…